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Wildcrafted Sea Moss: Many people have heard about Sea Moss, and many are still looking to understand more. Sea Moss has also been studied to possess anti-viral properties. It can therefore be used to effectively remedy viral conditions such as flu, cold and mumps. Due to its Vitamin A, E and K content, the organism is used in skin creams where it not only helps in keeping the skin soft but also remedies skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Of the eighteen essential nutrients that make up the human body, Sea moss contains fifteen of them. Some of these nutrients are vitamins A, D, E, F and K. it is also an incredible source of potassium, calcium, Sulphur as well as iodine. This makes it a vital source of nutrients that the human body needs to function effectively. Another health benefit of the Sea moss is its ability to help heal the impacts of radiation poisoning. There are over 190 different species of Sea Moss. We carry 3 out of the 190 Gracilaria, Eucheuma and Chondrus Crispus are the ones we carry. Our Sea Moss comes in from Grenada, St. Lucia and Jamaica.
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Dried Leaf of Life The plant parts are thick and fleshy which tends to preserve water in dry climates or soil conditions. The plant has antibacterial,

antiviral,antimicrobial, antifungal, antihistamine and anaphylactic properties. It is good for almost any ailments like high blood pressure, headaches, abscess, and

swellings. Tea made from stem and leaves is used for menstrual cramps, asthma, bronchitis, respiratory illnesses and helps with sinus issues as well as increasing

energy levels. It is also consumed to clean the bladder and get rid of harmful toxins from the intestines. It has many, many more benefits. Our leaf of life comes

in from The Bocas, Grenada and Kingston Jamaica.

FASHION CENTER-PENTAGON CITY MALL in Arlington, Va (Kiosk on the 1st floor in the Nordstrom Corridor, across from VINCI)
Laurel Main Street Festival October 15, 2022 9am-5pm
New Jersey Ultimate Women's Expo October 29-30, 2022 Sat 10am-5pm/Sun 11am-5pm
CAPITAL JAZZ FESTIVAL Merriweather Pavillion Columbia MD 2018/2019/2021/2022
CBC 2015/2016/2017


© 2025 by PRISTINE. No animals were harmed in the making of any products on this site.  

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